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I have a dog. It's the first one of my very own and I love her a lot. She is a chocolate Lab named Sadie and I've had her a little over 6 years. Since she was 7 weeks old I have loved and nurtured her, done the best for her so she could have the best life possible. I think my relationship with Sadie shows me a bit about how my life should be with God.

From the time I brought her into my home I have provided the food I thought was the best for her. A few treats here and there (good ones and not-so-good just for a little fun) can be counted on. She tells me when she wants them and sometimes I withhold them if she has had too much to eat that day and sometimes I give in and we both get pleasure in the gift.

I also provide shelter for her. Some people may think some of what I provide is silly or extreme, but I think of it as being caring and tender-hearted toward my pup. When I'm gone for the day for work or at church or off doing the work of being an adult or out enjoying friends and family, Sadie is safely tucked in a nest of pillows in her kennel with music playing. She has learned from when she was tiny that the kennel is her den. If I try to allow her run of the apartment while I'm gone, she panics because it isn't right. Like I left and intended to take her along and forgot. That's not the case. I just trust her not to tear things apart or do something wrong. She needs the familiar when I'm not home.

At night she sleeps with me, tucked at the end of my bed under her blankets. In the night she gets out and moves up closer to me, laying her head on my knee or hip or snuggling up with her cold nose in my armpit. I find myself slightly wakened and go back to sleep stroking her head (of course the cold nose brings full wakefulness and the realization that she wants to be close, that she is seeking me out - that kind of cold is comforting).

When I do take her out she is in absolute bliss. We are GOING! She is registered as my support animal so sometimes that means going out in her vest and gentle leader and helping me be calm at a store. She is very business-like with that vest on. She has important work to do. Other times she is just along for the ride. She picks a window fully expecting it to be lowered completely so she can lean on the door and hang her head out, ears flapping in the wind. She gets a bit offended if its cold or rainy, but will curl up on the front seat beside me and enjoy the ride.

She has favorite toys she plays with - a plush Mr. Bill doll tops her list. She has received several of these as gifts and the fun never ends.

So,where am I going with this? How does it compare with my relationship with God?

My Abba provides the means for me to prepare the best food for me, with occasional treats thrown in - like coffee with friends, making dinners and desserts with family. He seeks my pleasure and that gives Him pleasure to see me happy and at this point in my life getting healthy.

I am also provided with shelter, sometimes not the best, but sufficient in a way that allowed me to stand on my own two feet and begin to provide for myself. It provided a means for me to rely on Him rather than others for that necessity.

I have clothes and coverings for when I need them. I can take comfort in knowing God is close at hand in my waking and sleeping hours and sometimes He surprises me with the shock similar to Sadie's cold, wet nose to alert me to His nearness and care for me.

And we have fun! Not long ago I went hiking in the mountains with my daughter and her family. I was so stoked at God's creation and the fact that I was able to fully enjoy it and do things I didn't think I could. I relished in the confidence of His trust in me to think through challenges and work them out.

While it may seem like I'm just rambling, I think my point is that I am generous with Sadie. Since I chose her I have made an effort to show her how very loved she is. Since God chose me to be His He has been generous with me. I don't mean in just the things that money can buy, but in His relationship with me. He goes the extra mile to communicate with me, to draw me in, to take me along with Him on this journey. He gives me things that make me happy and trains me to love the life I have.

As I said, this may just be ramblings, but they are mine and God knows where they are going. I guess since I put a challenge to you yesterday, I will end with this:

How do you see God's generosity in your life? Can you list the blessings He has given you? Do you have an earthly model of the relationship you have with your Abba?

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